What is the value of x that makes the equation true?


Answer 1
Please message me back with the equation!
Answer 2
the process of finding out the variable value that makes the equation true is called 'solving' the equation. An equation is a statement that two quantities are equivalent. For exp/example:. x + 1 = 4 mean that when we add 1 to the unknown value, 'x', the answer is equal to 4

Related Questions

The terminal side of 0 is in quadrant IV and sin 0= -5/13 What is cos 0?



cosθ = [tex]\frac{12}{13}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


sinθ = - [tex]\frac{5}{13}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{opposite}{hypotenuse}[/tex]

This is a 5- 12- 13 right triangle

with opposite = 5, adjacent = 12 , hypotenuse = 13

since θ is in 4th quadrant then cosθ > 0

cosθ = [tex]\frac{adjacent}{hypotenuse}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{12}{13}[/tex]

The trigonometric ratio of cos θ in quadrant IV is 12/13.

What is trigonometry?

Trigonometry is mainly concerned with specific functions of angles and their application to calculations. Trigonometry deals with the study of the relationship between the sides of a triangle (right-angled triangle) and its angles.

For the given situation,

Sin θ = -5/13, and

θ lies in the quadrant IV.

By trigonometric ratio,

[tex]sin \theta = \frac{opposite}{hypotenuse}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]sin \theta = -\frac{5}{13}[/tex]

Here opposite side = 5 and

hypotenuse side = 13

The adjacent side can be calculated by using the Pythagoras theorem,

[tex]Hypotenuse^{2} = opposite^{2} +adjacent^{2}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]adjacent = \sqrt{hypotenuse^{2} -opposite^{2} }[/tex]

⇒ [tex]adjacent = \sqrt{13^{2} -5^{2} }[/tex]

⇒ [tex]adjacent = \sqrt{169 -25 }[/tex]

⇒ [tex]adjacent = \sqrt{144}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]adjacent = 12[/tex]

Thus [tex]cos \theta = \frac{adjacent}{hypotenuse}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]cos \theta = \frac{12}{13}[/tex]

θ lies in the quadrant IV, so cos θ > 0.

Hence we can conclude that the trigonometric ratio of cos θ in quadrant IV is 12/13.

Learn more about trigonometry here



help finding the area



144.5 or 144 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:


Length times width = area

13(9) =



1/2 times base times height = area

1/2(11)(5) =

27.5 or 27 1/2

Total area: 144.5 or 144 1/2

You get a gift of $1,000.  You decide that you want to invest all of the money in a savings account.  However, your bank has two different savings plans.  Determine the final amount in the account for each plan in 5 years.  Round your answers to two decimal places if needed. 
Plan A:  The bank gives you 4% interest rate and it is compounded every two months.  
Plan B:  The bank gives you a 10% interest rate and compounds the interest every 6 months.

Final Account balance for Plan A: $ 
Final Account balance for Plan B: $


So you basically get 104% of your Savings Account every two months for Plan A.

Plan B makes it 110% of your Savings Account every 6 months. Now we just calculate it...I'm sure your allowed a calculator, so just do 110% of it till 5 years.

If you still don't understand I can explain it more.

Find the number of turns or bumps in the graph of the function f(x) = 7x3 - 14x2 + 2.​


I think it’s 4 I’m not sure but I’m trying

The number of turns or bumps in the graph of the function[tex]f(x)=7x^3-14x+2[/tex]  is 2.

What is function?

A function is a process or a relation that associates each element 'a' of a non-empty set A , at least to a single element 'b' of another non-empty set B. A relation f from a set A (the domain of the function) to another set B (the co-domain of the function) is called a function in math.

f = {(a,b)| for all a ∈ A, b ∈ B}



Answer has shown in the attached file.

Hence, The number of turns or bumps in the graph of the function[tex]f(x)=7x^3-14x+2[/tex]  is 2.

Learn more about Graph plotting:






its none

Step-by-step explanation:


none of these answers are correct.

whats 1 + 1? im trying and i cant figure it out



Hello! answer: 2

Step-by-step explanation:

1 + 1 = 2 hope that helps!

Your answer to this question is 11 hope this helped

I don’t understand the question pls help



AC = 15.6

Step-by-step explanation:

AC = AE + EC

By he Pythagorean theorem,

A² + B² = C²

12² + 5² = AE²

144 + 25 = AE²

AE = √169

AE = 13

Find Angle AED

tan Angle AED = 12/5

Angle AED = tan-1 (12/5)

= 67.38°

Angle AED = Angle BEC

tan (67.38°) = BC/1

BC = 2.4

1² + 2.4² = EC²

6.76 = EC²

EC = √6.76

EC = 2.6

AC = 13 + 2.6

AC = 15.6

Please rply asap brainliest



x = 99,53633682

Step-by-step explanation:

sin(34) = x/178

x = sin(34)×178

x = 99,53633682

How do steryotypes affect you??
What would you encourage more young woman to study
STEM and why is it???

please anwse one or both


Step-by-step explanation:

The Gender Gap in STEM Fields: The Impact of the Gender Stereotype of Math and Science on Secondary Students' Career Aspirations

Elena Makarova1*, Belinda Aeschlimann2 and Walter Herzog3

1Institute for Educational Sciences, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland

2Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training SFIVET, Bern, Switzerland

3Institute of Educational Science, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland

Studies have repeatedly reported that math and science are perceived as male domains, and scientists as predominantly male. However, the impact of the gender image of school science subjects on young people's career choice has not yet been analyzed. This paper investigates the impact of the masculinity image of three school subjects—chemistry, mathematics, and physics—on secondary students' career aspirations in STEM fields. The data originated from a cross-sectional study among 1'364 Swiss secondary school students who were close to obtaining their matriculation diploma. By means of a standardized survey, data on students' perception of masculinity of science school subjects were collected using semantic differentials. The results indicate that for both sexes, math has the strongest masculinity attribution, followed by physics as second, and, finally, chemistry with the lowest masculinity attribution. With respect to gender differences, our findings have shown that among female students, the attribution of masculinity to the three school subjects does not differ significantly, meaning that female students rated all subjects similarly strongly as masculine. Within the group of male students however, the attribution of masculinity to math compared to chemistry and physics differs significantly, whereas the attribution of masculinity to chemistry and physics does not. Our findings also suggest that gender-science stereotypes of math and science can potentially influence young women's and men's aspirations to enroll in a STEM major at university by showing that a less pronounced masculine image of science has the potential to increase the likelihood of STEM career aspirations. Finally, the paper discusses ways of changing the image of math and science in the context of secondary education in order to overcome the disparities between females and males in STEM.

can you help me figure to how to get the answer to this question



Step-by-step explanation:

scale factor=3/2




use formula

(x,y)=(kx,ky)  (k means scale factor)

(8,6)=(3/2*8 , 3/*6)

=(24/2 , 18/2)

=(12 , 9)

(12,6)=(3/2*12 , 3/2*6)

=(36/2 , 18/2)

=(18 , 9)

(12,10)=(3/2*12 , 3/2*10)

=(36/2 , 30/2)

=(18 , 15)


18 ,15

Step-by-step explanation:





- 3/10h = 15 what does h =



h = -50

Step-by-step explanation:

- 3/10h = 15

Multiply each side by -10/3 to isolate h

-10/3 * - 3/10h = 15 * -10/3

h = -150/3

h = -50


h = -50

Step-by-step explanation:

Can someone help me pls

4. Find (5.8 104) + (7.17 x 10).
Express you answer in scientific
notation. Show your work.


Step-by-step explanation:

(5.8 x 10⁴) + (7.17 × 10^6) =

(5.8 × 10⁴) + ( 717 × 10⁴)

= (5.8 +717) × 10⁴

= 722.8 × 10⁴

= 7.228 × 10^6

I need help!!!

Which point is a solution to the system of inequalities?



Step-by-step explanation:


can someone tell me how to do this?​



x = 10

Step-by-step explanation:

(5x + 20) = 70

5(10) + 20 = 70

There are 10 girls and 6 bios in class the teacher randomly draws one student’s name and then draws another



Step-by-step explanation:

if there are 10 girls and 6 boys total we have 16 students. Divide 10 by 16 which give 62% a girl will be picked and for boys divide 6 by 16 which is 38% a boy will be picked.

Math help please thanks due soon


Problem 11

Answer: Angle C and angle F

Explanation: Angle C and the 80 degree angle are vertical angles. Vertical angles are always congruent. Angle F is equal to angle C because they are alternate interior angles.


Problem 12

Answer: 100 degrees

Explanation: Solve the equation E+F = 180, where F = 80 found earlier above. You should get E = 100.


Problem 13

Answer: 80 degrees

Explanation: This was mentioned earlier in problem 11.


Problem 14

Answers: complement = 50, supplement = 140

Explanation: Complementary angles always add to 90. Supplementary angles always add to 180. An example of supplementary angles are angles E and F forming a straight line angle.

See image for question.

Question Continuation:
a. both of them winning their respective States.
b. both of them lose in their respective States.
c. at least one of them wins in his state.​



Question 1

Total number of marbles = 5 + 7 + 8 = 20


P(red, red) = 5/20*4/19 = 1/19


P(white and blue) = P(white, blue or blue, white) = 7/20*8/19 + 8/20*7/19 = 14/95 + 14/95 = 28/95


P(both same colour) = P(red,red or blue,blue or white,white) = 1/19 + 8/20*7/19 + 7/20*6/19 = (20 + 56 + 42)/380 = 118/380 = 59/190

Question 2

P(A) = 2/9P(B) = 4/11


P(A and B) = 2/9 * 4/11 = 8/99


P(not A and not B) = (1 - P(A))(1 - P(B)) = 7/9*7/11 = 49/99


P(A or B) = 1 - P(not A and not B) = 1 - 49/99 = 50/99

An object is launched from the roof of a building 192
feet above the ground. The object's height (in feet)
after t seconds is given by the function
h(t) = -16° +64t + 192
A) What is the height of the object after two-and-a-half
252 ft
256 ft
312 ft
620 ft



252 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

h(t) = -16t^2 +64t + 192

We want to find h when t= 2.5

h(2.5) = -16 (2.5)^2 +64(2.5) +192

          =-16(6.25) +160+192



252 ft


find the value of (-64)2/3




Step-by-step explanation:

-64 * 2/3 is -42.66666...

well, according to the calculator.

[tex] - 64 \times \frac{2}{3} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{ - 128}{3} [/tex]

[tex] - 42.6[/tex]


For bases of solid figures, a lateral _______ is to a polygon what a lateral ___________is to a circle.

B. face



it was is face than surface I am 7th grade and doing the problem for class.

Step-by-step explanation:

If I am to late I am so sorry but for the next person that needs it.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・you can do it✧

For bases of solid figures, a lateral face is to a polygon what a lateral surface is to a circle.

What is the base of a solid figure?

The base of a solid figure is one of its faces that has been distinguished from the others in some way. The solid figure is usually oriented so that the base is situated at the bottom.

What solid figure has a base of any polygon?

A pyramid is a three-dimensional figure with only one base. The base can be any polygon. The other faces are triangles. A pyramid is named according to the shape of its base.

Learn more about solid figures here: brainly.com/question/15998356


If cot 0 = tan 30° what is 0?



option C (60 degrees)

Step-by-step explanation:

solution attached in the picture

A basketball coach had her team practice free throws. The team attempted 308 free throws altogether. They made 6 times as many free throws as they missed. How many free throws did the team miss?


Let the number missed = x

They made 6 times that amount which would be 6x

The total of missed and made is 308:

X + 6x = 308

Combine like terms

7x = 308

Divide both sides by 7

X = 44

They missed 44

Cone 1 is congruent to cone 2 with dimensions given in units as shown below

What is the surface area of cone 2 ?

Please help !! ASAP giving 30 points too correct answer choice


The answer it is It’s the last one

Surface area of cone2 is equals to 96π.

What is surface area?

"Surface area is defined as the sum of the area of all the faces of given three dimensional shape."

Formula used

Surface area of the cone = πr² + πr l

According to the question,


'r' represents the radius of the cone

'h' represents the height of the cone

'l' represents the slant height of the cone

Cone1 and Cone2 are congruent cones.

⇒Radius of cone1 = Radius of cone2

  Slant height of cone1 = Slant height of cone2

As per the given dimensions we get,

Radius of both the cones 'r' = 6units

Slant height of both the cones 'l' = 10units

Substitute the values in the formula we get,

Surface area of the cone2 = π (6)² + π (6) (10)

                                            = 36π +60π

                                            = 96π square units

Hence, surface area of cone2 is equals to 96π.

Learn more about surface area here



Patterns are made using straight lines and arcs.

Pattern A (one row)
Pattern B (two rows)

More rows are added to Pattern B so that
number of straight lines : number of arcs = 7:6

How many rows are added?


5 rows were added to pattern B

5 rows are to be added in the pattern if the ratio will be 7:6 between number of straight lines.

What is a pattern?

A pattern is a sequence. It can be an AP, GP also.

How to determine the number of rows to be added?

present ratio between number of straight lines and number of arcs


When we add 1 row it will increase 4 straight lines and 3 arcs. So when 5 rows are added it will increase 20 straight lines and 15 arcs.

Then total number of straight lines will be 28 and the total number of arcs will be 24 and the ratio will be 28:24 which after dividing by 4 becomes 7:6.

Hence 5 rows are to be added in the pattern B to get the ratio 7:6.

Learn more about arcs at https://brainly.com/question/2005046


Help me with this question please. I’m a bit confuse…



x = 7

Step-by-step explanation:

2x - 3 = x +4

x = 7

Simplify Radicals
2) V567



Simplified version: [tex]9\sqrt{7}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]\sqrt{81} *\sqrt{7} = \sqrt{567}[/tex]

We know that √81 is a perfect square, therefore √81 = 9,

[tex]9\sqrt{7} = \sqrt{576}[/tex]

Hope this helps!


Answer as many questions as you can !!

Please help I’m going to fail!



16) r = C/(2·π)

17)  [tex]r^2 = \dfrac{3 \ \cdot V}{\pi \cdot h}[/tex]

18) x = (9 - 3·y)/2

19) Please find attached the required graph of the inequality x ≤ 4 created with MS Excel

20) z ≥ 1

Solve each inequality and graph the solution

21) n ≤ 1

22) p > -5

23) -3 ≤ q ≤ 2/5

24) x > 1/5

25) x < -11

26) 7

Step-by-step explanation:

Solving for the indicated variable

16) C = 2·π·r for r

Dividing both sides by 2·π gives;

C/(2·π)  = 2·π·r/(2·π)  = r

∴ r = C/(2·π)

17) [tex]V = \dfrac{1}{3} \cdot \pi \cdot r^2 \cdot h \ for \ r^2[/tex]

Dividing both sides by [tex]\left( \dfrac{1}{3} \cdot \pi \cdot h \right)[/tex] gives;

[tex]\dfrac{V}{\left( \dfrac{1}{3} \cdot \pi \cdot h \right)} = \dfrac{ \dfrac{1}{3} \cdot \pi \cdot r^2 \cdot h}{\left( \dfrac{1}{3} \cdot \pi \cdot h \right)}[/tex]

[tex]\therefore r^2 = \dfrac{V}{\left( \dfrac{1}{3} \cdot \pi \cdot h \right)} = \dfrac{3 \ \cdot V}{\pi \cdot h}[/tex]

[tex]r^2 = \dfrac{3 \ \cdot V}{\pi \cdot h}[/tex]

18) 2·x + 3·y = 9 for x, gives;

x = (9 - 3·y)/2

19) Please find attached the required graph of the inequality x ≤ 4 created with MS Excel

20) Solve each inequality

z - 3 ≥ -2

z ≥ -2 + 3 = 1

∴ z ≥ 1

Solve each inequality and graph the solution

21) 3·n  + 5 ≤ 2·n + 6

n ≤ 1

22) 10·p + 20 - p > p + 3 - 23

9·p + 20  > p - 20

8·p > -40

p > -5

23) -1 ≤ 1 - 5·q ≤ 16

∴ 2/5 ≥ q ≥ -3

-3 ≤ q ≤ 2/5

Solve each word problem

24) Let x represent the number, we have;

2·x + 3·(x + 2) > 17

5·x + 6 > 7

∴ x > 1/5

The numbers are numbers larger than (1/5)

Solve each inequality

25) 2·(x - 5) + 3·x < 4·(x - 6) + 3

2·x - 10 + 3·x < 4·x - 24 + 3

x < -11

26) -2 - [-4 - (3 - 2)] = -2 + 4 + 3 - 2 = 7


The tables show the proportional relationship between two quantities. Write the constant of proportionality for each table.

(A) The constant of proportionality is _________.

(B) The constant of proportionality is _________.

(C) The constant of proportionality is _________.



I'm really sorry but show the table

Please help me if you can it would mean a lot!


A) 242
B) 1652
C) 118
Hope this helps





Step-by-step explanation:


do cross multiplication




therefore perimeter is 17 cm

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